We represent a unique and important voice, highlighting the experiences and potential of our members, and can leverage these attributes to advocate for improvements in health for women and their families. MWAZ aspires to create a platform that can influence and inform positive, relevant change on matters affecting our membership and the targeted members of the community by bringing together different stakeholders.

MWAZ Administrative Officer

MWAZ Administrative Officer

Margaret Mukumbi has been employed by MWAZ as the Administrative Officer to perform administrative duties. She is an enthusiastic, active, team player and focused individual. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Banking and Finance at the Copperbelt University.

Partnership with CAMNET TV

Partnership with CAMNET TV

MWAZ has partnered with CAMNET TV, a community broadcasting network to raise awareness on various health matters. Topics covered so far are non-communicable diseases, emergencies in the home, Covid-19, Cholera, Polio, Congenital Heart Diseases, Oral health, Adolescent sexual reproductive health etc.